The Team

The people who make the dream come alive.

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Dan O'Connell

Board Member

Maybe a founding member? I am not sure.

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Derek Wulff


Considered by many a co-president with Dan, Derek takes over when Dan is away, as Dan does when Derek is not around, to make sure any pomological emergencies are taken care of here in Metchosin.

Like Dan, Derek is a lover of all things apple, and leads grafting activities as part of the MPS (Metchosin Pomological Society). He is also a bee rancher, and keeps his hives in the back yard and in the mountains near Jordan River in the summer. Derek, like Dan loves the idea of having a sample of all the heritage fruit trees from Metchosin and the surrounding area, and has over 30 apple trees in his yard, which by any measure is too many, but for pomological enthusiasts - is about the right amount. With his love of bee ranching, Derek has added the bee end to the quasi annual Apple Festival - with his local bee ranching friends - as a natural extension of apples - the pollination part!

He also seems to while away his time by inventing educational wooden science kits and selling them in museums and stores around the world, for fun and profit, and could well be one of the most knowledgeable scholars about Leonardo da Vinci in the entire South-West part of Metchosin, but don’t quote him on that, because he doesn’t know everyone in the area.

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Co-Founder, Principal

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.